Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium Grant is allocated to schools to help ensure all groups of pupils achieve their potential, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Pupil premium grant is designed to ensure disadvantaged pupils improve their progress and attainment.
The criteria for the pupil premium is allocated to schools for:
Children who claim free schools meals (FSM) or have claimed in the last 6 years;
Children who have been looked-after or have previously been looked-after;
The DFE indicate that it is for schools to decide the most effective way to spend the pupil premium allocated to schools since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made for their individual pupils. Research evidence suggests from the Education Endowment Foundation that pupil premium spending is most effective when using a tiered approach. We invest in high quality teaching and learning, ensure academic support and ensure enhanced wider opportunities such as trips, clubs, musical opportunities and experiences including building pupil's confidence and resilience.